Ecosystem Poster



As you conclude your study of ecosystems and the relationships between biotic and abiotic factors, you should have a good understanding of how a food web and the water cycle within a particular biome would operate.


I forgot! What is a food chain?

I forgot! What is the water cycle?


As you will remember, a food chain shows how food energy is passed from organism to organism. A food web shows how energy is passed throughout an entire ecosystem taking into account all possible energy sources.


You and your partner(s) will be responsible for researching and creating a food web for a particular biome. Your group will make a poster showing the food web and explain it to the class.


In addition to the food web, your poster must also show the water cycle for the particular biome.



Once your group has selected a biome, you may begin your research. You will need to find out about the kind of producers, consumers and decomposers living in the biome.


It would be a good idea to sketch what your poster will look like before you begin drawing or printing pictures.


You may choose to draw or print pictures of the examples you choose to use. If you are going to print, please copy and paste all pictures onto ONE Word document and print. This will require that you shrink some pictures to ensure that they all fit. Any group caught excessively printing will lose points on their project.





 Your poster must include:

v Producers

v Primary consumers

v Secondary consumers

v Decomposers

v Water Cycle

v Remember, there should be more producers than primary consumers, more primary consumers than secondary, and so on


You must correctly show how energy is being transferred from one organism to another!


Your poster should have lots of color and you should use up all of the space provided. Your group will demonstrate the different processes by using different colored string to connect the biotic and abiotic factors in the biome.



Blue = water cycle

Red = food web








Food Chain in the Desert

All About Deserts

The Sahara

And Even More Desert!

Desert Animals


Forests – All Types

Temperate Forest Food Chain

Deciduous Forest Food Chain

Tropical Rain Forest Food Chain

Coniferous Forest Food Chain





Grassland Information

Iowa Prairie Network


Grassland Animals



Tundra Food Chain

The Not So Barren Land

The Tundra

Tundra Cam


Water Biomes

Aquatic Environments

The Wild Blue Yonder

Rivers and Streams

Ponds and Lakes



Temperate Oceans

Tropical Oceans