The Nature of Chemical Reactions In
this research activity you will be looking into with greater detail what take's
place in a chemical reaction. Think
about the labs that you have done so far.
The events of those labs can be explained by chemistry in great
detail. Think about the energy
required, the bonds between atoms being broken and re-formed. All these invisible events taking place
when you put certain chemicals together.
The simple breaking apart and reforming is the basis of the creation
of all things that are matter, like you. Many
things in chemistry are not as easy however as it may seem lets look at the
events of a reaction. First
to understand a reaction you need to understand the parts that go into
it. Find what these two terms mean: REACTANT PRODUCT In order for a reaction to work you must have energy. In the labs that you have done so far
things did change however were did the energy come from? Find out what this is and your question will be answered. CHEMICAL ENERGY
reactions tend to be expresses in two ways.
Research and find out about the two ways
following are some simple rules that tend to hold true about reactions: These will
be very important to help you explain what you see in chemical reactions. Ø Most reactions go faster at higher temperatures Ø A large surface area speeds up reactions Ø Concentrated solutions react faster Ø Reactions are quicker at higher pressure Ø Catalysts change the rates of chemical reactions What is a
catalyst? |