When reading is assigned in class as a student you will have a choice in how to complete the task. In class we use two text books the fish life science book and the polar bear life science book. Each book fulfills certain unique reading needs. Listen in class for a complete explanation of the science class reading program. Note to Parents: Students have a large amount of on-line reading support, from on-line text books in case a book is left at home, interactive books on-line with animations to show concepts and many more wonderful things. While we use these resources in class they are always available at home. Students may also use time in the morning at school or at help sessions to get reading help. In class I have a full audio version of the book that may be checked out, all reading worksheets and enrichment activities are available on-line any time anything is lost or help is needed. Encourage the kids to use these great resources available at the textbook portal page. |
Reading Choice One Teacher Lead Reading with Section Guided Reading The most controlled option. In this choice the teacher does the reading and carefully works along with the students to complete the section guided reading work. This choice is available for both textbooks. |
Reading Choice Two Independent Silent Reading with Section Guided Reading If you prefer to go at the reading alone and feel you can finish the guided reading work by yourself this is the choice. This choice is available for both textbooks. |
Reading Choice Three Round Table Reading with Section Guided Reading Classic Reading of the textbooks in a small group setting. Students take turns reading paragraphs and listen as each other read. Students can assist each other in completing guided reading work. This choice is available for both textbooks. |
Reading Choice Four Advanced Reading with Section Guided Reading and Enrichment Work In this choice students not only complete the required class reading but also are asked to read selected on-line or periodical articles about the current topic being read about. Students also complete an advanced enrichment activity. This choice is limited to the "Fish Book". |
What Book? All students are assigned a copy of the Prentice Hall textbook for the school year. This book is the primary resource for the class. The Prentice Hall and the Concepts and Challenges text are equal in content but present the material in different ways allowing students different approaches to the reading. Depending on how you are doing as a student the teacher will offer suggestions on the proper reading text and choice that is write for you. |